Author: admin

Apache, Linux, Postfix, XEN

Creating a XEN machine and Installing Group Office in Debian Wheezy

Introduction In this Tutorial I will explain the steps I did to create a Xen Virtual Machine with minimal packages and then install the latest Group Office Web based Collaboration software. You’ll need to be fluent in Linux and Xen because I don’t explain much here. Note: My hypervisor is Xen 4.0 in Debian Squeeze …

Apache, Linux

vhosts calling themselves behind load balancer

PROBLEM: If a virtualhost configured behind a load balancer originated http/https, requests using the proxy module in destination to the Internet IP of the virtual host, the route of the packet would then have to be: Vhost ==ProxyModule==>> LoadBalancer ==>> Loop to itself ==>> Vhost For technical reasons I needed to avoid this route. This …

Apache, Linux

Some tools for SSL certificates

Checking that a certificate is paired to the key Example: openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in mycert.key |openssl md5 33c63cb62080fdf2bc06c47a59e02917 openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in mycert.crt |openssl md5 33c63cb62080fdf2bc06c47a59e02917 Both results should be the same Generating a certificate for VSFTP openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout /etc/ssl/certs/vsftpd.pem -out /etc/ssl/certs/vsftpd.pem Creating a self signed …


Setting-up Chroot for SSH and for SFTP

There are many ways to create Chroot for SSH here are 2 good links for that. Note: Here some more info on the subject. The following article is based on an extract of the following site: Enabling chrooted SSH Enabling chrooted SSH is a bit complicated because we must set up a …


Limiting connections per Virtual Host with mod_bw

Introduction: In order to limit the number of simultaneous connections to a Web server (for the whole server) the following Core directive is used in our Live web servers, limiting it to 2000 simultaneous connections per web server. MaxClients 2000 In the case of wanting to limit the number of simultaneous connections per VirtualHost we …


Installing extFAT in Linux Mint(Debian/Ubuntu)

This article is based on the following link of which I’m really thanful: Problem: Lately a new file system format meant for external flash-memory cards, Camera ssd cards and Smart phones is been develloped by Microsoft called ‘extFAT’. It allows to overcome the barrier of 4GB for single files and is more efficient for …


snmpd error on subcontainer ‘ia_addr’ insert (-1)

This message is flooding my syslog on each snmp query. snmpd[3916]: error on subcontainer ‘ia_addr’ insert (-1) snmpd[3916]: error on subcontainer ‘ia_addr’ insert (-1) snmpd[3916]: error on subcontainer ‘ia_addr’ insert (-1) To avoid it you have to change the log level of the services. In debian squeeze edit /etc/default/snmpd and change these lines: SNMPDOPTS=’-Lsd -Lf …

Linux, XEN

Configuring Debian Wheezy Xen 4.1 Hypervisor

Introduction: When I upgraded from Debian Lenny Xen 3.2.1 to Squeeze Xen 4.0, except for the DOMu hard disks names (from /dev/hdax to /dev/xvdax), I had very little changes to do and all went pretty well. Lately I wanted to upgrade from Squeeze Xen 4.0 to Wheezy Xen 4.1 and I had a few very …

Linux, MySQL

Rebuild MySQL replication slave LIVE from master

Problem: You have 2 MySQL servers in the configuration Master ==>> Slave and the slave has gone very badly out of sync with the master. Normally it’s no real problem if you can lock the master tables, make a dump of the databases of the master and import them back into the slave. But the …


Encryp and decrypt files using GnuPG, Mcrypt and OpenSSL

Although there are many tutorials concerning encrypting files sometimes one wants just to encrypt/decrypt files with only a passphrase. This what this article is about. This article is based on the great tutorials found at: For a fuller Tutorial on GnuPG: Thanks to the author for the good work. GnuPG Encryption: $ gpg …

GIT, Linux

Installation of GIT, Gitolite and Gitweb in Debian Squeeze

Note: This tutorial is based on this very good site, thanks for the work: Introduction: This is a simple and step by step tutorial on how to install GIT server and Gitolite in Debian Squeeze.Since GIT has no authentication/authrization methods on its own Gitolite does fill in. Gitolite allows to control new creation of …


Configuring Zimbra to deliver mail using SSL/TLS

Reference: ssh su – zimbra zmlocalconfig -e postfix_smtp_tls_security_level=may zmcontrol restart Sent an email to normal postfix server: Check the headers of received email: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id E457F3E09E for ; Fri, 19 Apr 2013 23:35:31 +0200 (CEST) Sent to GMAIL server: Received: from ( []) …

Linux, XEN

Basics of Linux Logical Volume Manager

Concept: Physical Volume(PV): Real partition which can be assigned to a pool of resource to create/manage logical volumesLogical Volume Group(LG): Pool of resources (partitions) which can be used to create/manage Logical volumesLogical Volumes(LV): Logical Partitions which can be formatted and used just like a normal partition. The difference is that these Logical Partitions can be …

Apache, Linux

php5-cgi fills up memory, too many processes.

Problem Description: I just solved a strange situation where peu-à-peu the number of php5-cgi processes kept on increasing till all the RAMS were used and the system went to a crawl no more responding to web requests. Cause: After the maximum number of requests got reached for a php5-cgi requests the process gets detached from …

Bash, Linux

Converting Windows text files to Linux

Here is a small overview of how (in)compatible computer operating systems are. Normal text files end the lines as follows: Windows: CR+LF Linux: LF OS X: CR In order to convert line ends here are few tricks I extracted from this page(many thanks to the author): dos2unix and unix2dos The utilities dos2unix and unix2dos …


WARN: nodename xxxx uuid changed yyyy

Reference: This a complete ‘copy’ of the very useful info page at this link: Some heartbeat problems when starting: While setting up a Linux Heartbeat failover cluster, you may be tempted to set up one server node and clone the machine to create the other nodes that will make up your cluster. This is …


Install Geotrust certificate in Zimbra 8.x

The best way to install a RapidSSL cert is via the CLI as the root user. Reference: (18-12-2012 @ 23:39 BST) 1. Start by logging into your Zimbra servers CLI via SSH. 2. As root begin by generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). Below replace ‘’ with the FQDN of your Zimbra server. /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr …


Configuring DKIM Authentication in Zimbra

Configuring Zimbra 8.x to use DKIM Authentication Example for ‘’ ssh su – zimbra Creating the DKIM keys for a domain: /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmdkimkeyutil -a -d Example of result: 50F0EEFE-AB8C-11E2-B7AE-FC2CE654A0ED._domainkey IN TXT ( “v=DKIM1; k=rsa; ” “p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUCA4GNADCBiQKBgQDodIcoFWJsfsSzsdINY/ZiOKn3qKLt+qmEl1cDYApi0PCHwQmqTl9mhRKs3obfgN8O9nT227CDg9NI7MMu8r0fOatQRQ1YHesDmHIo1lELioDNd5QZPg1AUum0CPsDuR+YI5AG5wZhZ4c3ei0Uv3cu4aTIhGrRgnD081sysJ5vZwIDAQAB” ) ; —– DKIM key 50F0EEFE-AB8C-11E2-B7AE-FC2CE654A0ED for IMPORTANT: Enter the above result as TXT field in the …

Linux, Postfix

Install Geotrust/RapidSSL certificate in Zimbra 8.0.x

This How-to is based on the following page and after failing to install myself my commercial certificate I feel very grateful for his contribution: The best way to install a RapidSSL cert is via the CLI as the root user. 1. Start by logging as root superuser into your Zimbra servers CLI via SSH. …

Linux, XEN

Installing an Ubuntu 12.0.4 LTS as Xen DOMu in Debian Squeeze hypervisor

Lately I needed to install Zimbra 8.0.3 which only installs easily in an Ubuntu 10.0.4 or 12.0.4 LTS system. So I decided for that to install an Ubuntu 12.0.4 LTS as Xen DOMu in a Debian Squeeze Xen Hypervisor and here is how I did it. The following commands can be put into a runnable …

Linux, Postfix

Installing OpenDKIM in Debian Squeeze/Wheezy

Introduction Lately my mail server started to get refusals of emails from large mailing systems like AOL, Yahoo etc. I can’t blame them for trying to minimize the SPAMS to their clients. Although using an approved relay service is a good solution, if you want to take care of it yourself here is OpenDKIM at …

Linux, XEN

Using pyGRUB on Squeeze/Wheezy to boot a domU kernel

This adapded article is based on the following Debian Wiki article: In this article I assume: – The reader is familiar with Linux and Xen Hypervisor – The DOMu system partition is using a file image instead of a physical partition. Introduction: This method offers the advantage of loading the kernel which is installed …


Synchronization of directories with GlusterFS between 2 Debian/Ubuntu hosts

There are many methods existing on the market to synchronize content of directories between hosts. eg. rsync, lsyncd, duplicity etc. The most difficult part though is bidirectionally synchronize them so that no conflicts occur. One method is using the program Unison which works well but if a file gets modified differently on both servers between …

Apache, Linux

Compiling an Apache module after Apache is been compiled

Sometimes one discovers a module which would be lovely to include in an already compiled Apache. I’m using here an example of a vanilla Apache I compiled. Constants: Source path of Apache: /www/src/ Path of compiled Apache: /www/apache/ Module to compile: proxy_http Compiling the module: cd /www/src/modules/proxy /www/apache/bin/apxs -i -a -c mod_proxy_http.c This will: – …


Installing Linux Remote Terminal using VNC on a Debian Server

Here are the instructions on how to install an efficient Linux remote desktop (XCFE) using VNC. apt-get install xorg xfce4 xfce4-goodies vnc4server Note: If you want to change the initial VNC port edit the file: /usr/bin/vnc4server and change the port as follows: eg. to change the vnc ports to start at 8081 ‘$vncPort = 8080 …

Linux, Postfix

‘blocked by Verizon Online’s anti-spam system…’ OR ‘AOL: refused to talk to me: 554- (RTR:BL)’ OR ‘AT&T: blocked by ldap:ou=rblmx,dc=att,dc=net’

Lately I’ve been confronted with the following error messages from my Postfix server form AOL, Verizon or AT&T: VERIZON: ‘blocked by Verizon Online’s anti-spam system… AOL: refused to talk to me: 554- (RTR:BL)…. AT&T: blocked by ldap:ou=rblmx,dc=att,dc=net…. Moreover after trying to get my server on the whitelist it seemed almost impossible or quite a long …

Apache, Linux

Combining Apache PHP module and fcgi in Debian Squeeze/Wheezy

Many help sites that show you how to install and configure the Apache module mod_fcgid ask you to uninstall the Generic Apache PHP module(mod_php5). Although mod_fcgid offers some advantages to the mod_php5, uninstalling the mod_php5 need not be, especially if you are running applications that don’t need to run under mod_fcgid and it uses simple …

Apache, Linux

Warning: curl_exec() has been disabled for security reasons

In Powerpress plugin of WordPress I’ve been confronted with this error: Warning: curl_exec() has been disabled for security reasons Many people suggested a hack into the functions.php of WordPress. I find this solution not very good, since it’s most likely all gone after an update of WordPress. After looking for a better solution in Google …

Linux, MySQL

logrotate /usr/bin/mysqladmin: refresh failed; error: ‘Unknown error’

Problem: After a fresh install of Debian Squeeze and mysql server, started to appear the following error as email from cron: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate: /usr/bin/mysqladmin: refresh failed; error: ‘Unknown error’ error: error running shared postrotate script for ‘/var/log/mysql.log /var/log/mysql/mysql.log /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log ‘ run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate exited with return code 1 Cause: After the installation of mysql-server package, the first …

Linux, Postfix

Configuring vacation response on incoming emails

This configuration is made to respond to each incoming email by an automated message. It is inspired from the site: In Debian: Install the package vacation apt-get install vacation Assumptions: System User: marie Email address: Configuration: Initialize the database file ~/.vacation.db sudo -u marie vacation -I Create the following 2 files in the …

Linux, Monitoring

Installing ISTATD on Debian Squeeze/Wheezy

This HOW-TO is almost completely based on the README.txt file included in ISTATD package I included some adaptation notes. istatd is a daemon serving statistics to your iStat iPhone application from Linux, Solaris & FreeBSD. istatd collects data such as CPU, memory, network and disk usage and keeps the history. Once connecting from the iPhone …


Unlocking dpkg in Debian Squeeze

Problem Description: Although it can happen very rarely sometimes the dpkg, run by apt-get or aptitude, gets confused and leaves the lock on the mounting of its database open after being terminated. This prevents any further operations on installing, updating or configuring packages. The error would look like this: debconf: DbDriver “config”: /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked …


Detecting Browser User Agent in Mod_Rewrite

Apache mod_rewrite can be used to detect whether a browser has a WAP or Smartphone device versus a normal size browser and act accordingly. Here is a method: Creating variables for different sorts of portable devices: # Wap devices BrowserMatch “MIDP” WAP_DEVICE BrowserMatch “CLDC” WAP_DEVICE BrowserMatch “UP\.” WAP_DEVICE BrowserMatch “HTC” WAP_DEVICE BrowserMatch “LG” WAP_DEVICE BrowserMatch …


Installing Google’s Apache mod_pagespeed module.

Google has recently published an Apache module which should optimize web sites delivery daynamically. I was quite suspicious about such tool and though that this could only work at the costs of page outlook quality, meaning web pages not being displayed quite the same as the original. After experimenting with it I was quite please …

Linux, Streaming

Compiling and Installing Darwin Streaming Server on Debian Squeeze

I used to run Darwin Streaming Server Version 5.5.5 and ran quite well. In order to be able to take advantage of the new features and stability of the 6.0.3 I tried to compile it in Debian Squeeze Linux and it didn’t work at all. I got many compiling warnings and errors which at the …


Troubleshooting nameservers(DNS) using dig

In order to find out where the domain resolving fails here are some tricks using the command dig to trace the recursion step by step till the DNS that fails to deliver the IP of the requested [sub]domain. Reference site: Tracing a well resolving domain: So first we start by asking one of the …

Apache, Linux

Using Environment variables in Apache rewrite rules

Problem: Setting multiple variables(%1-%9) in rewrite rules with RewriteCond will get rewritten by the subsequent RewriteCond for the same rewrite rule pack. eg. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ID([^/]+) RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ID2([^/]+) RewriteRule ^/login.php /newlogin.php?NewID=%1&NewID2=%2 The above rule is not practical in real world, there are better ways to do this. But just as an example, we can …

Linux, MAC OS X

HowTo Flush Linux dns cache

This article is bee extracted from the URL: of which many thanks for posting the article. I extracted what I needed and posted it again here mostly for me as a reminder. HowTo: Flush nscd dns cache Nscd caches libc-issued requests to the Name Service. If retrieving NSS data is fairly expensive, nscd is …


Authentifying with Active Directory-LDAP users via Linux LDAP tools.

I’ve got a project where we needed to make sure the user had to be authenticated against Windows Active Directory. This is what helped me. Install the LDAP tools: (Example in Debian) apt-get install ldap-utils Command to authenticate Note: the user(Username) registered in Active Directory DN(DC=ad,DC=domain,DC=net). (Return code of command should be 0 if successful) …

Linux, XEN

Creating a new Xen DOMU Debian Squeeze image file(bootstrapping)

Here is a short example with many options given which creates a new Debian Squeeze Xen 4.0x image file. The command will create a 25GB Debian Squeeze Image file in the LVM:’vservers’ which will run the 32 bit kernel 2.6.26-2-xen-686 with 2GB of RAM and 1GB of SWAP file with root password ‘changeme’. Note: remember …

Apache, Linux

Installing eAccelerator for PHP in Debian Squeeze

This great application really speeds-up the processing and therefore delivery of complex web sites based on PHP, for example from CMS like Typo3. Here is how to install it. Credits FROM: and Instructions in German: Download it cd /tmp wget Unpack it tar -xvjf eaccelerator- Prepare for compiling it apt-get install …


ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server

Problem: Lately I had the problem that some users could not log-in into their webmail(Squirrelmail). Squirrelmail answered: “ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server”. Looking into the logs I found the following lines: Jul 5 10:39:43 ms41 dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=user1>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured Jul 5 10:39:43 ms41 dovecot: IMAP(user1): mail_location not set and autodetection …

Linux, Postfix

Running Postfix on multiple ports

Reference: The following Tip is been taken from the following forum: Description: Some ISPs, for some strange reasons, are blocking the port 25, therefore preventing many normal email clients software from picking-up their emails from other mail servers than their own ISP’s server. Solution: Making sure Postfix on your mail server listens on both …

Apache, Linux

Solving the problem of MaxRequestLen in mod_fcgid

Sometimes we get the following message in error.log and sometimes not. The reason is that the size of MaxRequestLen is not high enough: mod_fcgid: HTTP request length 135714 (so far) exceeds MaxRequestLen (131072) Solution: Add the following entry in the file: /etc/apache2/mods-available/fcgid.conf raise the value from the default 131072 to 15728640 (15MB) or higher if …

Apache, Linux

Compiling and install the missing dotdeb php5-fileinfo package

Dotdeb has done a terrific job at precompiling some PHP 5 packages and environment for us. Unfortunately in Dotdeb version of Debian Squeeze PHP5 packages I found the package php5-fileinfo to be missing. So here are the blind steps (without explanations) on how to compile and install this package. This is just an example unig …

Linux, Postfix, Security

Using TLS for mail delivery from postfix to another TLS activated mail server

Introduction: The default encryption method for delivering email from Postfix to another mail server is ‘NONE’ In certain cases for enhanced security reasons emails for certain destinations should be encrypted all the way: Meaning: Client 1 ==(TLS)==> Postfix Server ==TLS==> Other email Server ==SSL/TLS==> Client 2 In this case we cannot influence the way the …


Upgrade Debian using an .iso file

Here are simple steps on how to dist-upgrade a Debian system using an ISO file. Normally the process would be quite simple by replacing the entries in the repository list and call a command apt-get update; apt-get disp-upgrade. BUT what if your system doesn’t have Internet acccess while you want to do the upgrade? Here …


REF: Installing packages in different Linux Distributions

Distro URL Command ====== ======================== ============================ Debian ( apt-get install packagename Ubuntu ( apt-get install packagename Suse ( yast -i packagename Fedora Core ( yum install packagename FreeBSD ( pkg_add -r packagename Gentoo ( emerge packagename OpenBSD ( pkg_add -r packagename


Using cache control with Apache

This article has no structure really. It is a gathering of important information and own findings concerning caching of web elements. Caching controls of web elements General rules: – The header ‘Expires:’ is an implementation of the HTTP/1.0 – The header ‘Cache-Control: max-age=xxxx’ is an implementation of the HTTP/1.1 and OVERRIDES ‘Expires:’ Extract from …


Force aptitude/apt-get ingoring broken dependencies

In the case we absolutely need to install a special Debian package, from backports for example, and force it to ignore dependencies using aptitude download and dpkg –force-depends, your apt-get and aptitude will always complain later on about it and not resume its given commands until we resolve this dependency. So when you know what …


bash – how to find a variable string length

This short how-to shows how to find out a string length in bash: Copied from the very useful web site: Suppose: $ VAR=”Bash Scripting” Now to find the length of the above string, I have found 3 different ways: $ echo “${#VAR}” 14 $ expr length “$VAR” 14 $ echo $VAR | awk ‘{print …


Resetting the default screen resolution in MAC OS X 10.6.x (Snow Leopard)

Just as I thought that Mac was having it perfect in the area of screen resolution and detection, suddenly my MacBook Pro started to display a slightly zoommed-up screeen where I needed to bring the mouse to the edges of the screen to move it a bit and see the rest of the display. Tried …

Linux, Monitoring

Installing CACTI and Templates on Debian Lenny/Squeeze

In the area of monitoring systems using GPL software Nagios is a big player but the organization of displaying the history graphs is not so ideal. Zabbix is wonderful as well, it produces also good graphs but it creates them dynamically, resulting in a long wait time when we need to display a large amount …


Getting wireless Broadcom BCM4313 to work in Linux Mint 11

Unfortunately as of today June 19, the repository drivers of Wireless Broadcom BCM4313(wl.ko) don’t work well at all in Linux Mint 11. After making some research on Google I found out that there are new Linux drivers provided by the manufacturer Broadcom that simply need to be downloaded and installed. I did it and it …


Create a mixed (routed & bridged) private VLAN for Xen Virtual Machines

The most common way of configuring the networking in Xen environment is by using bridges. In the case of servers rented at Hetzner provider (Germany) this would not work because the infrastructure is allowing only one MAC address per server. It allows for multiple IPs but only one MAC address. To circumvent this situation we …


Use IPTables to load-balance web trafic

Although the Linux Kernel has already a load-balancing feature, it doesn’t come without the price of having to learn how to use it. Some tools like ‘LVS-KISS’ can help to do that job but still a bit too much sometimes when one want just crude load-balancing without any fall-back features. Here is a simple solution …

Linux, XEN

Installing Xen 4.x in Debian Squeeze (6.0)

Here are the minimum steps necessary to install Xen Hypervisor 4.x on Debian Squeeze. Installing the hypervisor and tools related aptitude install xen-linux-system-2.6-xen-amd64 xen-hypervisor-4.0-amd64 linux-image-xen-amd64 xen-qemu-dm-4.0 Change some system configuration Edit /etc/modules and add the following entry. To make sure the module ‘loop’ can create 64 loop connections. The entry ‘loop’ might already be there, …


Installing Debian ‘testing’ packages in ‘stable’ system.

Sometimes we want to install a package that is in testing state into a stable system. To do so, just follow the instructions below. NOTE: The following tips have been copied from the link: The solution for keeping stable and installing the package is to modify apt-get configuration to setup what is called a …


Installing SAR monitoring tools

NOTE: This article is a copy of the Geek Stuff Article at: 10 Useful Sar (Sysstat) Examples for UNIX / Linux Performance Monitoring Tanks for the tips. I have copied it to make sure this important article stays part of this tips collection. Intro: Using sar you can monitor performance of various Linux subsystems (CPU, …

Linux, XEN

Assigning CPUs to Xen virtual Machines

Introduction: I’m renting a 8 CPU machine at Hetzner and I wanted to improve the performance. At the beginning I was distributing many CPUs to the virtual machines which needed it and less cpus to others. This included that some cpus would be shared by more than one Xen virtual machine. I noticed that the …


Installing Bacula Backup system on Debian Lenny

These following instructions will download, compile and install Bacula and a couple of the best Web GUIs for it. Inspired from the following German link. Thank you: Install needed packages for Bacula server aptitude install build-essential libpq-dev libncurses5-dev libssl-dev psmisc mysql-server libmysql++-dev Download compile and install Bacuda and its web GUI wget tar …

Apache, Linux

Installing and configuring Apache2 mod_secutity on Debian Squeeze

Install the Debian version of mod_security packages from Debian reposirory apt-get install libapache-mod-security Create an Apache config directory for mod_security mkdir /etc/apache2/modsecurity-core-rules chmod 600 /etc/apache2/modsecurity-core-rules Download and install the mod_security core rules wget tar vfx modsecurity-core-rules_2.5-1.6.1.tar.gz -C /etc/apache2/modsecurity-core-rules/ Create a symlink to adapt to all mod_security core rules(or change all the rules 🙂 ln …