Category: Uncategorized

Apache, Linux, Uncategorized

Configuring Apache for Magento to show different Store Views in from different URLs/Domains.

Introduction: In the following example I try to set environment variables according to the incoming request’s ‘HTTP_HOST’ value. The following example pertains to Magento Webshop software which offers a different Store view for every domain configured to land in the main store. Prerequisites: – Magento is been configured, apart from its default Store View, to …

Linux, Linux on MACBook, Uncategorized

Linux Mint 19.3 disabling the menu pop on Mac ‘Left Command’ Press

Introduction: After having installed Linux Mint 19.3 on an old MacBook Pro, I wanted to disable the Menu pop-up function on the ‘Left Command’ key press. Solution: Delete the following entry in the Settings Editor(in the settings menu): xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts –>> /commands/custom/Super_L | xfce4-popup-wiskermenu Calveat: First I could not delete the command. Then I simply deleted …


Adding a title to SSH login terminal TAB

Introduction: Reference: Each terminal emulator has its own way of configuring a TAB title name for an SSH connection. To make sure it works for all well behaving terminal emulators, you can force the Title via an escape sequence set in the destination server. Howto: Login to a server via SSH and ad one …


Create a simple and general access Samba share

apt-get install samba smbclient cifs-utils heimdal-clients mcedit /etc/samba/smb.conf Here we will create one share as read only from guests users and one share as read/write for a specific user Create read only Share [Photos] comment = “Family Photos” path = /media/NextCloud/Photos browseable = yes read only = yes guest ok = yes Create the read/Write …


Changing DNS resolving entries in Systemd controlled systems

References: Make sure the resolvconf package is deinstalled. This resolvconf package is useful for ‘on-the-road’ Laptops but is an overkill and can create problems in Servers.apt-get remove resolvconfreboot Edit the systemd controlled resolved.conf mcedit /etc/systemd/resolved.conf [Resolve]DNS= 2001:4860:4860::8888 srv#LLMNR=no#MulticastDNS=no#DNSSEC=no#Cache=yes#DNSStubListener=yes Update systemd to the new edited resolved.conf systemctl daemon-reloadsystemctl restart systemd-networkdsystemctl restart systemd-resolved


Gmail problem with Thunderbird

The authentication problem encountered when creating a new Gmail account in Thunderbird can be solved as follows:Reference: 1. Set Thunderbird in safe mode If Thunderbird is not running: Start Thunderbird in Safe Mode by holding down the option key while starting the application.If Thunderbird is already running: At the top of the Thunderbird …


Installing BearExtender for Mac on Mac OSX 10.11(El Capitan)

These instructions are a mix of what I got from: Run the following instructions: Create a new directory for the downloads mkdir ~/BearExtender Put the following download in the directory called ~/BearExtender Download the BearExtender Kernel Extension from here: Get the BearExtender software Put the following download in the directory called ~/BearExtender …


FTPS on command line using LFTP

# In Debian/Ubuntu, install LFTPapt-get install lftp # Create the configuration file in home directory of the user# eg. admin user will be running the program: cd /home/admintouch .lftprc (Content)set ftp:ssl-auth TLSset ftp:ssl-force trueset ftp:ssl-protect-list yesset ftp:ssl-protect-data yesset ftp:ssl-protect-fxp yesset ssl:verify-certificate no Command line to upload 2 files: software.txt and software2.txt cd /DATA/files/lftp user:PASSWORD@servername <<EOFput …


Solution for MySQL/MariaDB Field ‘xxx’ doesn’t have a default value

Situation:Using PhpMyAdmin I was trying to add a user and this error kept on coming up and I could not add the user. After some research here are 2 solutions: The following articles are so good and helpful that as soon as I saw them in Internet I wanted to copy them here. The first …


Unassign a software RAID member volume to become again a normal volume.

Situation:I had assigned the drive partition (/dev/sdb1) to a Linux Software RAID disk group. Now I want to take out this drive from the software RAID group and use it as a normal drive. Since the drive has been assigned to a group simply trying to use it as a normal drive by re-partitioning and …


Solving the Running /scripts/local-block loop while booting in linux

Problem: Linux booting and taking a long time while looping with the script: /scripts/local-block Reason: Linux boot needs to know the UUID of the Swap file it tries to mount. Solution:Run the command:blkidand get the UUID of the Swap file.Run the command:nano /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resumeThis file doesn’t exist. It will then be created.Add the following line as …


Installing Debian backports in Debian Wheezy

Login as root and run the following commands: cd /etc/apt echo “deb wheezy-backports main” > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backport.list apt-get update gpg –keyserver –recv-key 7638D0442B90D010 gpg -a –export 7638D0442B90D010 | apt-key add – (should get the ‘OK’ as answer) Installing a single package from backports: apt-get -t wheezy-backports install {package-name}


Installing Java 8.x in Debian Wheezy or Ubuntu 14.04(Trusty)

Here are the commands to install Java 8.x into Debian Wheezy via the repository and PPA. cd /etc/apt/ echo “deb trusty main” | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webupd8team-java.list echo “deb-src trusty main” | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webupd8team-java.list apt-key adv –keyserver hkp:// –recv-keys EEA14886 apt-get update apt-get install oracle-java8-installer