Category: Apache

Apache 1.3 and 2.x Tips and tricks

Apache, Linux, Uncategorized

Configuring Apache for Magento to show different Store Views in from different URLs/Domains.

Introduction: In the following example I try to set environment variables according to the incoming request’s ‘HTTP_HOST’ value. The following example pertains to Magento Webshop software which offers a different Store view for every domain configured to land in the main store. Prerequisites: – Magento is been configured, apart from its default Store View, to …

Apache, Linux, Wordpress

Installing the missing mcrypt module for PHP 7.2

Inroduction: Because of the module mcrypt for PHP neot being maintained since a bout 10 years the PHP team has decided to drop it from the PHP version 7.2 on. For PHP applications that need this module here are the instructions to compile and install it for PHP 7.2. Reference: STEPS: We need to …

Apache, Linux, NGinX, Postfix, Security

Install CERTBOT in Ubuntu-16-04-xenial and Debian Stretch

Intro: Here is a 1-to-1 copy of the article on how to install certbot in Ubuntu 16.04 and Debian Stretch Ubuntu 16.04 HOWTO: Install On Ubuntu systems, the Certbot team maintains a PPA. Once you add it to your list of repositories all you’ll need to do is apt-get the following packages. $ sudo apt-get …

Apache, Linux, Security

Configuring Letsencrypt in ISPConfig 3.1

Intro: Since a while now the wonderful idea of creating the service Letsencrypt has made lots of admins happy. Here is how we can also use Letsencrypt with ISPConfig 3.1. Ref: STEPS: Define ISPconfig to use the new SSL certificate with symbolic links. (If you don’t know how to use symbolic links this how-to …

Apache, Linux, NGinX

piwik: Could not open input file: ./console

Introduction: In order to know the location of the visits your website received before you started using Piwik with GeoIP you need to run a command. The reference to this command is at: Problem: Unfortunately after having logged in as root in the server this command gave me the following error: Could not open …

Apache, Email, Linux, Postfix, Security

Hardening the SSL security in Apache, Dovecot and Postfix

Introduction: After having gotten a report from OpenVAS that my SSL security level of the mail server were medium, I looked for ways to improve this. I found very good sites which helps me making these improvements: Click to access applied-crypto-hardening.pdf Based on this site and extending to cover dovecot mail service here …

Apache, Linux, Security

Installing TeamPass in Debian Jessie

Introduction: TeamPass is a very good Web application which can store securely Passwords for single person or teams. Here are the steps I used to install it in Debian Jessie. These instructions can also be used with no or minimal changes to install TeamPass in other Debian or Ubuntu systems. These instruction are partly based …

Apache, Linux

Upgrading php from 5.4 to 5.6 in Debian Wheezy

In order to upgrade PHP from 5.4 to 5.6 we need to use the DOTDEB repositories by which many other packages will also be upgraded. Here are the steps. References: STEPS: Edit the file /etc/apt/sources.lst and add the following lines: deb wheezy all deb-src wheezy all deb wheezy-php56-zts all deb-src …

Apache, Linux, Security

Using HTTPS as proxy backend in Apache 2.4

Introduction: In Apache 2.4 in a Vhost in order to be able to proxy to a backend with HTTPS using either a self-signed or expired certificate on the backend we need to include the following directives: SSLProxyEngine on SSLProxyVerify none SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off SSLProxyCheckPeerName off SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off You also need to enable the required Apache2 modules …

Apache, Linux, MAC OS X, Postfix, Security, Windows, Wordpress

Testing SSL Connections with SSLyze, Nmap or OpenSSL

Introduction: OpenSSL is a great tool to check SSL connections to servers. The difficulty here is when one want a full scan of all possible SSL Cyphers and protocols used by a server. That is where SSLyze comes in handy. This tool is a Python script which will scan the target host/port for SSL handshake …

Apache, Linux, NGinX, NGinX, Wordpress

Issue free and CA signed SSL certificates for web servers from LetsEncrypt

Introduction: SSL Certificates provide two functions: 1. Authentication 2. Encryption Encryption can be achieved without authentication but, for some reason, someone decided to join them together in one certificate. It seem to make sense for banks and serious e-commerce sites which need to be properly authenticated. Therefore when the HTTPS protocol got developed it was …

Apache, Linux, NGinX, NGinX

Configuring HAproxy load balancer in Ubuntu 14.04

Goal: In this example HTTP requests are proxied directly as HTTP requests to the HTTP web servers. In the case of HTTPS requests, they are handled with the certificates by HAproxy and then proxied to the web servers as HTTP requests. SSLCertificates: The certificates for all virtualhosts being proxied are stored as one PEM format …

Apache, Linux, Security

Limiting the number of connected clients on a VirtualHost in Apache

Problem: When a DDOS attack or a burst of requests are coming at the same time in my Apache2 Web server, the whole server can run out of RAM and crash. Possible solution: Limit the number of simultaneous connections to your Web server per VirtualHost Method: One simple and effective method done directly on the …

Apache, Linux

Using mod_cluster in Apache

The newly discovered Apache module mod_cluster seems to offer many advantages compared to mod_jk which could be used in the new Apache/Jboss environment. The following features are listed: – Dynamic configuration of httpd workers – Server-side load balance factor calculation – Fine grained web-app lifecycle control – AJP is optional – Compatible staring at JBoss …

Apache, Linux

Configuring Apache to handle WebSocks

WebSocks is supported by Apache starting at version 2.4.xx. Here are some minimal configuration for Apache 2.4.xx. in Ubuntu 14.04.x Install the proper modules: a2enmod proxy a2enmod proxy_wstunnel Configure the VirtualHost (only the WebSock part is shown here) # Make sure the backend server gets the right URL in ‘Location:’ http Header ProxyPreserveHost On # …

Apache, Linux, Wordpress

Customizing apache2-suexec-custom

Apache2 Suexec module comes with at least 2 flavors in many distributions of Linux. – apache2-suexec-pristine: Apache HTTP Server standard suexec program for mod_suexec – apache2-suexec-custom: Apache HTTP Server configurable suexec program for mod_suexec Many times when I’ve been trying to use the standard mod_suexec with mod_fcgi (useful for WordPress installations),the mod_suexec complains that the …

Apache, Linux, Security

Installing VSFTPD for FTP-SSL web sites upload on Ubuntu

In order to force an exclusive use of the SSL/TLS connectivity to users here is how to install it: Note: This tutorial was base from this site: Install the vsftpd package sudo apt-get install vsftpd Edit the /etc/vsftpd.conf configuration file and add the following at the end of the file or alternatively adapt the …

Apache, Linux

Selectively blocking / redirecting HTTP requests per country of origin with Apache

If you need to block or redirect requests that are originated from certain countries, here is a good method using geoIP information. Install the GeoIP binaries and Apache module: apt-get install geoip-bin libgeoip1 libapache2-mod-geoip a2enmod geoip service apache2 restart Example of blocking requests from germby(DE) in a VirtualHost configuration: SetEnvIf GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE DE BlockCountry Deny from …

Apache, Linux

phpmyadmin: The mcrypt extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration.

This was the error message I got in PhpMyadmin in Ubuntu 14.04-2. The mcrypt extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration. So I found the following solution in: First, I’m not really sure that this directory needs to be created, but since it’s in php.ini configuration, I’d rather make sure all will work …

Apache, Linux, Monitoring, NGinX

Using CURL for sending crafted HTTP POST authenticated queries

CHALLENGE: I came across a situation where I needed to send an HTTP request using the POST method with some POST data but after I have authenticated with name and password. SOLUTION:(using curl tool) The trick here is to preserve the SESSIONID of the authenticated response for the second POST request. EXAMPLE: I needed to …

Apache, Bash, Linux, Monitoring, NGinX

Monitoring latency time of http requests

Here is a simple but useful command which shows the latency time of http requests. You can adjust the delay between repeats as well as the URL being queried. Reference: host=””; delay=5; while true ; do echo -n “Response time for http://$host:” ;curl -s -w %{time_total}\\n -o /dev/null http://$host ;sleep $delay; done Results: Response …

Apache, Linux, NGinX

Verifying a SSL certificate chain

In order to see if an SSL web site has the proper SSL Certificate chain, this simple command can help: echo “” | openssl s_client -showcerts -servername -connect -CApath /etc/ssl/certs/ Example: echo ” ” | openssl s_client -showcerts -servername -connect -CApath /etc/ssl/certs Result:(most important extract from full result) CONNECTED(00000003) depth=2 C …


ModSecurity: Rules must have at least id action

After compiling ModSecurity 2.8.0 with Apache 2.4.10 I got the the folowing error when trying to start Apache2: ModSecurity: Rules must have at least id action After Google-ing it I found this site that explains what went wrong: According to this site the labeling(identification) of the rules was optional till the version 2.7.0, after …

Apache, Linux

Dynamically change Apache response content

Although the example below doesn’t quite represent a very good one in terms of real life problem, nevertheless it shows how to implement a dynamic web server response content modification. These replacements are done in application server responses before they leave Apache web server. In this example we are dynamically replacing parts of the URI …

Apache, Linux, Postfix, XEN

Creating a XEN machine and Installing Group Office in Debian Wheezy

Introduction In this Tutorial I will explain the steps I did to create a Xen Virtual Machine with minimal packages and then install the latest Group Office Web based Collaboration software. You’ll need to be fluent in Linux and Xen because I don’t explain much here. Note: My hypervisor is Xen 4.0 in Debian Squeeze …

Apache, Linux

vhosts calling themselves behind load balancer

PROBLEM: If a virtualhost configured behind a load balancer originated http/https, requests using the proxy module in destination to the Internet IP of the virtual host, the route of the packet would then have to be: Vhost ==ProxyModule==>> LoadBalancer ==>> Loop to itself ==>> Vhost For technical reasons I needed to avoid this route. This …

Apache, Linux

Some tools for SSL certificates

Checking that a certificate is paired to the key Example: openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in mycert.key |openssl md5 33c63cb62080fdf2bc06c47a59e02917 openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in mycert.crt |openssl md5 33c63cb62080fdf2bc06c47a59e02917 Both results should be the same Generating a certificate for VSFTP openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout /etc/ssl/certs/vsftpd.pem -out /etc/ssl/certs/vsftpd.pem Creating a self signed …


Limiting connections per Virtual Host with mod_bw

Introduction: In order to limit the number of simultaneous connections to a Web server (for the whole server) the following Core directive is used in our Live web servers, limiting it to 2000 simultaneous connections per web server. MaxClients 2000 In the case of wanting to limit the number of simultaneous connections per VirtualHost we …

Apache, Linux

php5-cgi fills up memory, too many processes.

Problem Description: I just solved a strange situation where peu-à-peu the number of php5-cgi processes kept on increasing till all the RAMS were used and the system went to a crawl no more responding to web requests. Cause: After the maximum number of requests got reached for a php5-cgi requests the process gets detached from …

Apache, Linux

Compiling an Apache module after Apache is been compiled

Sometimes one discovers a module which would be lovely to include in an already compiled Apache. I’m using here an example of a vanilla Apache I compiled. Constants: Source path of Apache: /www/src/ Path of compiled Apache: /www/apache/ Module to compile: proxy_http Compiling the module: cd /www/src/modules/proxy /www/apache/bin/apxs -i -a -c mod_proxy_http.c This will: – …

Apache, Linux

Combining Apache PHP module and fcgi in Debian Squeeze/Wheezy

Many help sites that show you how to install and configure the Apache module mod_fcgid ask you to uninstall the Generic Apache PHP module(mod_php5). Although mod_fcgid offers some advantages to the mod_php5, uninstalling the mod_php5 need not be, especially if you are running applications that don’t need to run under mod_fcgid and it uses simple …

Apache, Linux

Warning: curl_exec() has been disabled for security reasons

In Powerpress plugin of WordPress I’ve been confronted with this error: Warning: curl_exec() has been disabled for security reasons Many people suggested a hack into the functions.php of WordPress. I find this solution not very good, since it’s most likely all gone after an update of WordPress. After looking for a better solution in Google …


Detecting Browser User Agent in Mod_Rewrite

Apache mod_rewrite can be used to detect whether a browser has a WAP or Smartphone device versus a normal size browser and act accordingly. Here is a method: Creating variables for different sorts of portable devices: # Wap devices BrowserMatch “MIDP” WAP_DEVICE BrowserMatch “CLDC” WAP_DEVICE BrowserMatch “UP\.” WAP_DEVICE BrowserMatch “HTC” WAP_DEVICE BrowserMatch “LG” WAP_DEVICE BrowserMatch …


Installing Google’s Apache mod_pagespeed module.

Google has recently published an Apache module which should optimize web sites delivery daynamically. I was quite suspicious about such tool and though that this could only work at the costs of page outlook quality, meaning web pages not being displayed quite the same as the original. After experimenting with it I was quite please …

Apache, Linux

Using Environment variables in Apache rewrite rules

Problem: Setting multiple variables(%1-%9) in rewrite rules with RewriteCond will get rewritten by the subsequent RewriteCond for the same rewrite rule pack. eg. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ID([^/]+) RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ID2([^/]+) RewriteRule ^/login.php /newlogin.php?NewID=%1&NewID2=%2 The above rule is not practical in real world, there are better ways to do this. But just as an example, we can …

Apache, Linux

Installing eAccelerator for PHP in Debian Squeeze

This great application really speeds-up the processing and therefore delivery of complex web sites based on PHP, for example from CMS like Typo3. Here is how to install it. Credits FROM: and Instructions in German: Download it cd /tmp wget Unpack it tar -xvjf eaccelerator- Prepare for compiling it apt-get install …

Apache, Linux

Solving the problem of MaxRequestLen in mod_fcgid

Sometimes we get the following message in error.log and sometimes not. The reason is that the size of MaxRequestLen is not high enough: mod_fcgid: HTTP request length 135714 (so far) exceeds MaxRequestLen (131072) Solution: Add the following entry in the file: /etc/apache2/mods-available/fcgid.conf raise the value from the default 131072 to 15728640 (15MB) or higher if …

Apache, Linux

Compiling and install the missing dotdeb php5-fileinfo package

Dotdeb has done a terrific job at precompiling some PHP 5 packages and environment for us. Unfortunately in Dotdeb version of Debian Squeeze PHP5 packages I found the package php5-fileinfo to be missing. So here are the blind steps (without explanations) on how to compile and install this package. This is just an example unig …


Using cache control with Apache

This article has no structure really. It is a gathering of important information and own findings concerning caching of web elements. Caching controls of web elements General rules: – The header ‘Expires:’ is an implementation of the HTTP/1.0 – The header ‘Cache-Control: max-age=xxxx’ is an implementation of the HTTP/1.1 and OVERRIDES ‘Expires:’ Extract from …

Apache, Linux

Installing and configuring Apache2 mod_secutity on Debian Squeeze

Install the Debian version of mod_security packages from Debian reposirory apt-get install libapache-mod-security Create an Apache config directory for mod_security mkdir /etc/apache2/modsecurity-core-rules chmod 600 /etc/apache2/modsecurity-core-rules Download and install the mod_security core rules wget tar vfx modsecurity-core-rules_2.5-1.6.1.tar.gz -C /etc/apache2/modsecurity-core-rules/ Create a symlink to adapt to all mod_security core rules(or change all the rules 🙂 ln …

Apache, Linux

LDAP Installation in Debian Lenny + Web LDAP Browser

NOTE: These instructions are assuming that the LDAP client runs on the same machine as the LDAP server runs. Environment: IP: LDAP Client Machine names: ldapc.itmatrix.srv ldapc LDAP Server Machine names: ldaps.itmatrix.srv ldaps NOTE: This tutorial is a short and updated version of the one found at: Edit /etc/hosts and se the content …


Apache Log format codes

Extracted from: Format String Description ============= ============================================================================================================ %% The percent sign %a Remote IP-address %A Local IP-address %B Size of response in bytes, excluding HTTP headers. %b Size of response in bytes, excluding HTTP headers. In CLF format, i.e. a ‘-‘ rather than a 0 when no bytes are sent. %{Foobar}C The contents of …

Apache, Linux

IP List of China and Korea for IPTABLES

Just download: This script that can be downloaded regularly needs to be converted before it can be used. In this list the destination ports is 25 (SMTP). For web access blocking, the port needs to be changed to 80,443,25,110,22,995 etc. . A small script can be used to get the list, convert it before …


Compile Apache 2 in Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/..

Introduction: Steps to compile Apache: – Installation of needed development packages – Prepare the directories needed – copy the config file and script below – Run the script below Installation of needed development packages Needed for Apache mod_deflate libzip-dev (sources) libzip1 (bin libs.) zlib1g-dev (sources) Needed for Mod_security libpcre3-dev libpcrecpp0 libxml2-dev Compiling script Configuration file …


Compiling a new standard Apache DSO module

# Build and install a distributed Apache module, say mod_foo.c, into its own DSO * Build and install via configure (preferred): $ ./configure –prefix=/path/to/install –enable-shared=foo $ make install * Build and install manually: – Edit src/Configuration: > SharedModule modules/xxxx/ $ make $ cp src/xxxx/ /path/to/install/libexec – Edit /path/to/install/etc/httpd.conf >> LoadModule foo_module /path/to/install/libexec/ # Build …


MOD GZIP Configuration in Apache 1.3.x

NOTE: The size of the zipped content(not header) is about 1/3 of original size. mod_gzip_command_version ‘/mod_gzip_status’ mod_gzip_temp_dir /tmp/mod_gzip_httpd mod_gzip_keep_workfiles No mod_gzip_minimum_file_size 1000 mod_gzip_maximum_file_size 100000 mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size 60000 mod_gzip_min_http 1000 mod_gzip_handle_methods GET mod_gzip_item_include file \.html$ mod_gzip_item_include file \.jsp$ mod_gzip_item_include file \.do$ mod_gzip_item_include mime text/html mod_gzip_item_include mime text/plain mod_gzip_item_include mime application/x-javascript mod_gzip_item_include mime text/css mod_gzip_item_include mime text/xml mod_gzip_item_include …


Problem with openssl and Compiling Apache 2.2.11

Ursache ist, dass die Pfade richtig gesetzt werden müssen, damit ld den Parameter -lssl kennt. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=”/www/hans/src/openssl-0.9.8j/” export LIBS=”-L/www/hans/src/openssl-0.9.8j” export CPPFLAGS=”-I/www/hans/src/openssl-0.9.8j/include/openssl” echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH /www/jamba/src/openssl-0.9.8j/:/usr/lib/ echo $LIBS -L/www/jamba/src/openssl-0.9.8j echo $CPPFLAGS -I/www/jamba/src/openssl-0.9.8j/include/openssl


Issues on MaxClients Directive

WARNING: MaxClients of 3000 exceeds compile time limit of 2048 servers, lowering MaxClients to 2048. To increase, please see the HARD_SERVER_LIMIT define in src/include/httpd.h. Why increase MaxClients to 2048? Apache 1.x is non-threaded, so increasing MaxClients beyond 256 usually results in lower performance; often dramatically lower performance. At a prior job I worked with a …


GZIP Log Format

LogFormat “\”%h\” \”%{HOST}i\” \”%u\” \”%t\” \”%r\” \”%>s\” \”%b\” \”%{Referer}i\” \”%{User-Agent}i\” \”%{Connection}i\” \”%{Connection}o\” \”%{Content-Type}o\” \”%T\” \”PID:%P\” \”%{mod_gzip_result}n\” \”%{mod_gzip_input_size}n\” \”%{mod_gzip_output_size}n\” \”%{mod_gzip_compression_ration}n\”” JAMBA_BASIS_LOGFORMAT_GZIP


Using mod_cband to limit bandwidth per vhost

mod_cband ( can do this from version! You should use CBandExceededSpeed directive to slow down pages when the bandwidth is exceeded 🙂 See:


MPM ‘worker’ configuration (Apache2)

Directive Description Default (worker.MPM) ===================== =============================================================================== ==================== ListenBackLog Maximum length of the queue of pending connections 511 . MaxClients Global maximum number of connections that will be processed simultaneously 400 MaxClients SHOULD NOT be lower than (ServerLimit) x (ThreadsPerChild). Normally they should be equal. . ServerLimit Upper limit on configurable number of processes (children) 16 …


Logging Apache Access logs through syslogd

Error logs can be logged very easyly to syslig using the following ErrorLog syslog:local1 Access logs must use a pipe-to-script trick as follows: In Apache config: CustomLog |/usr/local/apache/bin/apache_syslog combined As script in system: Content of /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_syslog ——————————————— logger -i -p -t TEST-APACHE ——————————————— chmod 755 /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_syslog


Running mod_gzip, mod_rewrite, and mod_proxy together in Apache 1.3.x

When using RewriteRule ….[P] with mod_gzip there are often problems To resolve this add the following directive to mod_gzip ———————————————– mod_gzip_item_include handler proxy-server ———————————————– mod_gzip_item_include mime “application/x-httpd-php.*” mod_gzip_item_include mime httpd/unix-directory mod_gzip_item_include handler ^server-status$ mod_gzip_item_exclude file \.css$ mod_gzip_item_exclude file \.js$ mod_gzip_item_exclude reqheader “Via:.*1\.0 PROXY” mod_gzip_item_exclude reqheader “Via:.*1\.0 lavoisier \(NetCache NetApp\/5\.0\.1R2\)”


Examples of mod_security diretives

SecFilterEngine On SecFilterScanPOST On SecFilterSelective “POST_PAYLOAD” “BoesesWort” “deny,log,status:412” # Ersetze BoesesWort durch das Wort, welches du sperren willst. # Speichere die Textdatei unter dem Namen .htaccess (den führenden Punkt nicht vergessen) SecFilterSelective “POST_PAYLOAD” “AnderesBoesesWort” “deny,log,status:412” # Alternative SecFilterSelective “POST_PAYLOAD” “BoesesWort” “deny,log,redirect:http.//”


MOD_JK configuration directives

see: The following directives are normally inserted in file connection_pool_minsize (default 0) defines, how many idle connections remain when the pool gets shrinked. By default this is half of the maximum pool size. connection_pool_size (default 0) We generally do not recommend to use this attribute in combination with Apache httpd. For Apache httpd …


Logging gzip compression factor of files

LogFormat “%h %l %u %t \”%r\” %>s %b mod_gzip:%{mod_gzip_result}n In:%{mod_gzip_input_size}nOut:%{mod_gzip_output_size}n:%{mod_gzip_compression_ratio}npct.” full_plus_gzip [17:29:14] CustomLog /var/log/httpd/mod_gzip.log full_plus_gzip Example of log entry: /reviews/cooling/HSR2_4.html HTTP/1.1″ 200 6289 mod_gzip: DECHUNK:OK In:23352 Out:6289:74pct.