If you’re like me, sometimes Spotlight has driving my MAC very hot with the process ‘mds’. To disable Spotlight do the following: open the Terminal app and run the following command: sudo mdutil -a -i off To turn it back on sudo mdutil -a -i on
Category: MAC OS X
Mac hardware and softwaer tweeks in order to get what we want out of MAC.
aslmanager hangs with high cpu load
I’ve been looking for a solution against the periodic problem of having aslmanager use a high cpu load. As far as I could read in Google, many people think that it’s due to a curruption of the aslmanager database. So here is a solution that was suggested in a forum. Since my aslmanager process was …
Replacing the missing ‘tac’ command in MAC OS X
After looking into Fink Command and Porticus I could not find the GNU command ‘tac’ for writing bash scripts. So I found these replacements which works well from the following link (Thanks guys :-)) http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/181 Normal use of tac: …..| tac |……. Replacement Nr. 1 …..| awk ‘{print NR,$0}’ | sort -nr | sed ‘s/^[0-9]* …
ITerm German keyboard settings
Problem: aslmanager takes up to 99% CPU
Taken from: Here “So aslmanager is taking 99% and Console.app hangs when started. Why does aslmanager need 99% of CPU and 2+ GB footprint?” In past versions of Mac OS X, system and process log messages were received and managed by “syslogd” and the “syslog” utility. Under Mac OS X 10.5.6 Apple has included a …
Swap normal sleep to hibernating when told to sleep
Keyboard problems with Parallels
Using iTERM – The best terminal program for Linuxers
Configuration file: The full Config Plist is ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist it seem that it may be used to store the defaults values at startup, but the main one is the first one. Modifying/replacing the configuration file: Preferences are cached in 10.9. See http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20130908042828630. If you edit a plist file directly or replace the plist of an application, …
Making an OS X Volume Bootable
INFO: When MAC boots it looks into its whatever to findout if a directory was ‘blessed’ which means that this directory would be used to fetch the bootloader from. Normally the file boot.efi should be there and it will be used to boot the system. Boot from DVD, start a terminal and run this command: …
Creating an ISO file from a CD/DVD
1. Insert CD/DVD source 2. Fire up a Terminal, you can then determine the device that is you CD/DVD drive using the following command: 3. Umount the disk with the following command: 4. Create the ISO file with the dd utility (may take some time): 5. Test the ISO image by mounting the new file …