Taken from: Here
“So aslmanager is taking 99% and Console.app hangs when started. Why does aslmanager need 99% of CPU and 2+ GB footprint?”

In past versions of Mac OS X, system and process log messages were received and managed by “syslogd” and the “syslog” utility. Under Mac OS X 10.5.6 Apple has included a new set of log functions in the “ASL” logging method and API. These new functions are run by the “aslmanager” process, which is invoked immediately after syslogd runs.

Apple is migrating log management over to using the new ASL logging functions for future versions of OS X, but there appear to be a few bugs in the current versions of the ASL utilities. While the specifics are unknown, it seems that currently the aslmanager utility will get stuck on certain functions.

Users have tried forcing the process to quit using Activity Monitor, but this is only a temporary solution, and also may cause data corruption. Therefore it is recommended to avoid using Activity Monitor to handle these problems, and instead try restarting the log management processes after clearing the log “data store” location. Users have found that after doing this, the process no longer slows the computer down.

Hopefully the bugs in aslmanager will be fixed in future updates.

Fix: Restart log managers after removing asl data Open the Terminal application and enter the following two commands to stop the log managers:

* sudo launchctl stop com.apple.syslogd
* sudo launchctl stop com.apple.aslmanager

Then create a folder on your desktop called “temp” (to store the moved “data store” files), and enter the following command in the Terminal to move the “ASL” data to the new temporary folder:

* sudo mv /var/log/asl/* ~/Desktop/temp/

Finally, restart the “syslogd” process with the following command (the aslmanager will be started when needed by syslogd, so it doesnt need to be manually restarted):

* sudo launchctl start com.apple.syslogd