Category: Email

Email, Linux, Mailman

Minimize the Digests shown Headers in Mailman 2.1.xx

Problem: Digests in Mailman are composed of a lots of unneeded headers which clutter the messages. Solution: Edit the Mailman configuration file manually as follows: WARNING !!!: These headers are part of a the ‘RFC 1153’ which if changed can have unpredictable or unwanted effects. So here I kept the headers: Date:, From:, Subject:, Keywords(if …

Email, Linux, Postfix

Configuring Domain Relaying with ISPConfig 3.1.xx

Intention: Redirect (reroute) specific email addresses via, for example, an SMTP service: Steps: – Enter the destination domain in the Advanced Routing Table (Email ==> Email Accounts/Email Routing) – Enter the same destination domain in the (Email ==> Global Filters / Relay Recipients) as @domain Example: eg. rerouting all emails of destination domain via …

Email, Linux, Postfix

No Type list in ISPConfig 3.1.11

Problem: The brand new version of ISPConfig 3.1.11 when I add or modify an email transport, no value is displayed anymore on “type”. Solution: Ref: Edit /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/mail/mail_transport_edit.php Change this line: $app->tpl->setVar($rec, null, true); to this: $app->tpl->setVar($rec); and should work again.

Email, Mailman

Changing the mailman subscribers ‘moderation’ bit on the command line

Intro: In my mailman installation with over 3K subscribers I could not find why the web interface didn’t allow me to change the ‘moderation’ bit of subscribers, or any other property. So I found this tool which allows me to the ‘moderation’ bit for any subscriber using the command line. Sinc ethe Python module for …

Email, Linux

Rectify mailman URLs after a hostname change

Intro: I had to change the server name of my mailman server. I changed it in /etc/mailman/ as follows: # Default domain for email addresses of newly created MLs DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = ‘’ #————————————————————- # Default host for web interface of newly created MLs DEFAULT_URL_HOST = ‘’ BUT! Some links in the mailman site were OK …

Email, Linux, Postfix

Blocking reception of full TLDs

Intro: Lately I was receiving a lot of spam from a ‘.date’ TLD sources and wanted to block all these emails using Postfix. Here is a solution found at: Steps: Install the Postfix PCRE dictionary apt-get install postfix-pcre Configure postfix postconf -e smtpd_sender_restrictions=pcre:/etc/postfix/rejected_domains postconf -e reject_unauth_destinations=pcre:/etc/postfix/rejected_domains Edit the new file /etc/postfix/rejected_domains with the following …

Email, Linux, Postfix, Security, Systemd

OpenDKIM doesn’t start after Upgrade from Jessie to Stretch

Introduction: After having done a dist-upgrade fo Jessie to Stretch OpenDKIM didn’t start any more. After research I found the answer which worked for me in this site: INFO: I’m using the ‘inet’ socket for the communication between Postfix and OpenDKIM at port 12345. eg. My config in of OpenDKIM in Postfix: milter_default_action = …

Email, Linux, Postfix

Transferring IMAP account mails and folders to another IMAP account on another server … or locally.

Introduction: The other day I was asked to install a completely new email server and transfer all the email accounts from the old mail server to the new one. I noticed that since the new mail server was using a different mail INBOX format I had to do some research and found this really good …

Apache, Email, Linux, Postfix, Security

Hardening the SSL security in Apache, Dovecot and Postfix

Introduction: After having gotten a report from OpenVAS that my SSL security level of the mail server were medium, I looked for ways to improve this. I found very good sites which helps me making these improvements: Click to access applied-crypto-hardening.pdf Based on this site and extending to cover dovecot mail service here …

Email, Linux, Postfix

Whitelisting Hosts in Postfix/Amavis

Introduction: I have an email server with very strong spam filtering and every now and then it does see the emails that I send from our own networks as SPAM. In order to bypass the SPAM scanner for those networks without bypassing the virus scanning of Amavis I found these instructions in Internet at: …

Email, Linux, Postfix, Security

Fixing Spamassassin in Debian Jessie(8)

Introduction: For a long time under Debian Wheezy Spamassassin was running quite well until I upgraded the system to Jessie. That is when Spamassassin(spamd) started to crash every now and then without giving much reasons why. Cause of error message: Looking in the system logs(/var/log/syslog) I found the following error: spamd[7490]: util: refusing to untaint …