Search Results for: xl

Linux, XEN

Switching from xm(xend) XenToolStack to XL XenToolStack in Delian Wheezy

Introduction: While I upgraded my Xen DOM0 from Squeeze to Wheezy it was recommended to switch from the Xend(xm) Toolstack to XL Toolstack. Because I found very little info on how to do the switch. So here is a way do it on Wheezy. Here we are assuming that you have installed Xen 4.1 Hypervisor …

Linux, XEN

pygrub: Unable to find partition containing kernel

Introduction: Lately after I upgraded many packages in a Xen 4.4 DOMU VM the pygrub could not boot the VM any more. During the security update, the installed grub2(grup-pc), which never created any problems before with pygrub, got updated and suddenly it did create problems to boot the VM. Here is the error message I …

Linux, XEN

Install Xen 4.1 on Debian Wheezy in a Hetzner Dedicated server

Hetzner Germany has very fast and not expensive rentals of Hardware servers available. In order to communicate internally via private network between Xen-DOMUs and DOM0, normally one would install Xen DOM0 network with bridge networking as follows: DOM0:xenbr0(eth0) — bridging==>> DOMUs:eth0 DOM0:xenbr1(dummy0) —bridging==>> DOMUs:eth1 BUT!!!! PROBLEM: Because of the configuration of the network switches at …


Install Geotrust certificate in Zimbra 8.x

The best way to install a RapidSSL cert is via the CLI as the root user. Reference: (18-12-2012 @ 23:39 BST) 1. Start by logging into your Zimbra servers CLI via SSH. 2. As root begin by generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). Below replace ‘’ with the FQDN of your Zimbra server. /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr …


Configuring DKIM Authentication in Zimbra

Configuring Zimbra 8.x to use DKIM Authentication Example for ‘’ ssh su – zimbra Creating the DKIM keys for a domain: /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmdkimkeyutil -a -d Example of result: 50F0EEFE-AB8C-11E2-B7AE-FC2CE654A0ED._domainkey IN TXT ( “v=DKIM1; k=rsa; ” “p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUCA4GNADCBiQKBgQDodIcoFWJsfsSzsdINY/ZiOKn3qKLt+qmEl1cDYApi0PCHwQmqTl9mhRKs3obfgN8O9nT227CDg9NI7MMu8r0fOatQRQ1YHesDmHIo1lELioDNd5QZPg1AUum0CPsDuR+YI5AG5wZhZ4c3ei0Uv3cu4aTIhGrRgnD081sysJ5vZwIDAQAB” ) ; —– DKIM key 50F0EEFE-AB8C-11E2-B7AE-FC2CE654A0ED for IMPORTANT: Enter the above result as TXT field in the …

Linux, Postfix

Install Geotrust/RapidSSL certificate in Zimbra 8.0.x

This How-to is based on the following page and after failing to install myself my commercial certificate I feel very grateful for his contribution: The best way to install a RapidSSL cert is via the CLI as the root user. 1. Start by logging as root superuser into your Zimbra servers CLI via SSH. …

Linux, Postfix

Installing OpenDKIM in Debian Squeeze/Wheezy

Introduction Lately my mail server started to get refusals of emails from large mailing systems like AOL, Yahoo etc. I can’t blame them for trying to minimize the SPAMS to their clients. Although using an approved relay service is a good solution, if you want to take care of it yourself here is OpenDKIM at …

Linux, XEN

Stop/Start a single XEN virtual machine

Assuming that the virtual machine is running, to stop the machine: – Make a list of the running virtual machines and note the ID of the one concerned. xl list Lets suppose the ID of the virtual machine concerned is 15 – Shutdown the machine. xl shutdown 15 – Make a few xm list commands …