Search Results for: GlusterFS

GlusterFS, Linux

Prepare Debian Stretch for Installing GlusterFS 3.12

In order to install this version of GlusterFS we need to add the repositories: Ref: echo deb [arch=amd64] stretch main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gluster.list wget -O – | apt-key add – apt-get update apt-get install glusterfs-server xfsprogs Format the dedicated partition for GlusterFS synchronized data: eg. /dev/xvda3 mkfs.xfs -f -i size=512 /dev/xvda3 Example of …

GlusterFS, Linux

Upgrading GlusterFS from 3.2(Debian) to 3.4 for Debian Wheezy

Reference: Packages of GlusterFS 3.4.7 for Debian wheezy are available here from the Gluster Community… Add the GPG key to apt: wget -O – | apt-key add – Add the source: echo deb wheezy main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gluster.list Update package list: apt-get update Install: apt-get install [ glusterfs-server | glusterfs-client ] Packages from …

GlusterFS, Linux

Installing GlusterFS 3.6 in Ubuntu 14.04 Server LTS

Note: In case you have an regular(3.0.5-1) version of GlusterFS to upgrade, it is recommended to run the following command in order to make sure the older version gets cleaned-up does not interfere with the new one. apt-get purge glusterfs-client glusterfs-server Depending on whether you have Debian or Ubuntu use one of the following installations: …


Synchronization of directories with GlusterFS between 2 Debian/Ubuntu hosts

There are many methods existing on the market to synchronize content of directories between hosts. eg. rsync, lsyncd, duplicity etc. The most difficult part though is bidirectionally synchronize them so that no conflicts occur. One method is using the program Unison which works well but if a file gets modified differently on both servers between …

Apache, Linux

Load Balancing with Apache

Introduction: I’ve been confronted with the task of installing 2 web servers and a load balancer all made of Apache2. Requirements: – 1 Load balancer made of apache2 configured for 2 Web sites – The load balancer should implement Cookies based stikyness for clients to land all their requests on the same web server initially …


Synchronizing mirror directories in Linux

Task: Keep multiple web server’s htdocs files in sync. One way to do it is to write a script as cronjob which synchronizes the main server’s configuration directories to all other servers. But there are more elegant ways to do it: GlusterFS and lsyncd. This article relates to the later: lsyncd This deamon process uses …