
The following directives are normally inserted in file

connection_pool_minsize (default 0)
defines, how many idle connections remain when the pool gets shrinked. By default this is half of the maximum pool size.

connection_pool_size (default 0)
We generally do not recommend to use this attribute in combination with Apache httpd. For Apache httpd we automatically
detect the number of threads per process and set the maximum pool size to this value.

This maximum idle time which allows connections in the pool to get closed after some idle time. It is given in units of seconds.
recommend values around 10 minutes
please also set the attribute connectionTimeout in the AJP Connector element of your Tomcat server.xml

socket_timeout (default 0)
Low level. TCP TX/RX timeout setting.

connect_timeout (default 0)
sets the wait timeout for CPong during connection establishment. Recommended 5000 and 15000 milliseconds

prepost_timeout (default 0)
sets the wait timeout for CPong before request forwarding. good values often are between 5000 and 10000

socket_keepalive (default 0)
sends keep alive packets to backend to insure connectivity when the backend is behind a firewall that
closes automatically TCP connecetions after too long idle time.

time between consecutive response packets is allowed.
Warning: when mod_jk times-out this way, the worker is reset during the next maintenance process
and the back-end process still runs, resulting in possible overload of orphin processes in appplication server.

JkOptions +DisableReuse
disable the use of persistent connections. This has a huge negative performance impact!