SSL Certificates provide two functions:
1. Authentication
2. Encryption

Encryption can be achieved without authentication but, for some reason, someone decided to join them together in one certificate. It seem to make sense for banks and serious e-commerce sites which need to be properly authenticated. Therefore when the HTTPS protocol got developed it was not possible to encrypt-only the stream of HTTP. This situation made us dependent to Certificate Authentication Authorities to obtain a certificate even if we only wanted encryption. Now some genius group of people at finally created the possibility to obtaining certificates which preform simple authentication verification, by calling the URL and expecting a specific response, and if successful issues a free 90 days valid and CA signed SSL certificate. For system administrators this process of requesting and install such free certificate has therefore become quite simple. Here is one method of doing just this in a Debian/Ubuntu web server.


Installing LetsEncrypt

apt-get update && apt-get install git
cd /usr/local/lib/
git clone
cd letsencrypt
./letsencrypt-auto --email --agree-tos --help
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/lib/letsencrypt" >> /root/.bashrc
. /root/.bashrc

NOTE: Make sure your web site you want to add HTTPS to is already configured and live in your web server.
The reason is that during the process of requesting a certificate, LetsEncrypt will create an extra sub-directory({htdocs}/.well-known/acme-challenge/) and a special temporary file in the htdocs of the site (pointed to by DocumentRoot directive in Apache) then call that file on the site from the LetsEncrypt server to authenticate the URL. If the the URL called is invalid it won’t issue the certificate. For this reason your site needs to be live and you need to give the path of the htdocs. After the authentication process, the temporary file will be erased but not the sub directories. They will stay empty.


If you get the following error message then in Debian Wheezy you can solve it by importing SSl into Python. See below.
InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. For more information, see

Importing Python SSL support:
>>> import ssl
>>> (CTRL-D)

Upgrading LetsEncrypt client program

rm -rf /root/.local/share/letsencrypt
rm -rf /usr/local/lib/letsencrypt.old &>/dev/null
mv /usr/local/lib/letsencrypt /usr/local/lib/letsencrypt.old
cd /usr/local/lib/
git clone

Requesting the certificate

Eg. for the domain
NOTE: on first time request the script will ask you to give an email address for contact purposes as well as to accept the terme and conditions of using this tool. Afterwards it will not ask you these questions.
letsencrypt-auto certonly --webroot -w /www/clients/ -d
The certificates and key will be stored in /etc/letsencrypt/live/ as:
cert.pem : Certificate
chain.pem : CA Certificate
privkey.pem : Private key
fullchain.pem : Combination of the certificate and the CA Certificate

Instead of moving the certificate, just configure Apache or other web server to point to the certs files where they are.
This way a cron job can be created to regularly renew the certificate automatically without manual intervention.
The certificate will be valid for 90 Days only; no exceptions.
This means that the same above command will need to be run every 3 months or earlier with the addition of the option –renew-by-default.
The limit of certificates you can ask for a certain domain is: currently 5 certificates / 7 days.

Renewing single certificate:

In order to renew the certificate automatically it is suggested to use a cron job and adding the option –renew-by-default in the command eg. as follows:
letsencrypt-auto certonly --renew-by-default --webroot -w /www/clients/ -d

Renewing all installed Letsencrypt certificates:

/usr/local/lib/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto renew
Note: It is recommended to send the output of the command by email to verify if the process was successful.

Extra Info

The certificates of LetsEncrypt are stored in /etc/letsencrypt/ directories in different ways. It is simply NOT recommended to delete any of the certificates, files or symlinks in these directories because the files in the ‘keys’ and ‘csr’ directories are not identified to refer to a specific certificate. So just deleting some files but not others related to the same cert might confuse the client command and you then can’t request any more certificates. The error message from the client program is something like:
letsencrypt TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found
If you ever get to that non-return point then just delete all directories: archive, csr, keys, live and renewal BUT not accounts. Then re-issue certificates requests for already existing sites. The certificates will then be renewed and you can then also request new ones.

For more information of the subject see:

Comfortable script

If you want to be able to issue a certificate and you want it to self-renew after 80 days, this script might be of some use.
# Purpose: Issue or renew a certificate from LetsEncrypt
# It will also issue an 'at'command which will be responsible to automatically renew the certificate automatically
# This script also issues a new at comand which will do the same in around 3 Months days depending on the settings here
# Changes: 30.12.2015 First implementation of the script
# 10.01.2016 Took out the read of wpinstall.cfg config file. Added checks for the letsencrypt and at programs
. /root/.bashrc
# Absolute path to this script.
SCRIPT=$(readlink -f $0)
# Absolute path this script is in.
scriptdir=$(dirname $SCRIPT)
# Check the syntax
function usage () {
echo "Usage: -s SITE_NAME -d SITE_HTDOCS"
echo "-s SITE_NAME Full web site address WITHOUT the 'http://' eg.:"
echo "-d SITE_HTDOCS The absolute path where WordPress will be installed. eg. /www/sites/"
exit 1
if [ $# -ne 4 ]; then
echo "ERROR: Wrong number of given argunents."
# Make sure the letsencrypt client prgm is installed
if ! [ -e $encryptprgm ] ; then
echo "ERROR: the letsencrypt program isn not installed. Install it and retry."
echo "See instructions at: //"
exit 1
# Make sure the at is installed
if ! [ -e $atprgm ] ; then
echo "ERROR: the 'AT' program isn not installed. Install it and retry."
echo "apt-get install at"
exit 1
# Everything look good so far. Lets start.
# get the command options
while getopts "s:d:" OPTION
case $OPTION in
echo "ERROR: argument(s) unknown."
echo "Requesting certificate at LetsEncrypt"
# Does it exist already, then renew only, otherwise request renewing the cert
if [ -d $CERTS_DIR/${SITE_NAME} ] ; then
echo "The certificate already exists. Requesting a renewal"
if ($encryptprgm certonly $RENEW --webroot -w $SITE_HTDOCS -d ${SITE_NAME} &>/dev/null); then
# Enable the Apache SSL configuration and restart Apache
(echo "Certificate request successful."
echo "Issuing a renewal of the certificate in 80 days using 'at' command"
service apache2 restart
echo "$SCRIPT -s $SITE_NAME -d $SITE_HTDOCS" | $atprgm now + $RENEW_DAYS days)| tee /tmp/ \
| mail -s "Request/Renewal of Certificate for $SITE_NAME"
echo -e "------- SITES LIST --------\n$(ls -1 /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ | egrep -v '^00|^wptest1')\n\n--------- CERTIFICATES LIST ---------$(ls -l /etc/letsencrypt/live/ | cut -c29-)\n\n------- AT Jobs LIST -------\n$(/root/bin/" | mail -s "Request/Renewal of Certificate request LIST" $EMAIL
cat /tmp/
exit 0
(echo "ERROR: The certificate request/renewal FAILED.")| tee /tmp/ \
| mail -s "Request/Renewal of Certificate for $SITE_NAME" $EMAIL
cat /tmp/
exit 2


Status of the certificates

Here is a useful script that will display the following information:
– List of AT Jobs ready to start at the required time
– List of present certificates and their file timestamps
Since each letsencrypt is only valid for 90 days this will give you an overview of how old the present certificates are and when is the next time the requests for certificates will be done.
# Description: Displays all 'at' jobs and their respective commands
# Systax:
# Changes: 05.11.2016 First inplementation
# Get the short jobs list and expand from there
echo "================ AT Jobs ready to start at the required times ==============="
atq | while read line ; do
jobnr=$(echo $line | awk '{print $1}')
echo $line
# Pickup all the command lines after first line matching '}'.
# This excludes all the environment variables and the at exit line.
# Exclude the matching '}' line and empty lines
# Add an offset of 8 chars to each command line.
# at -c $jobnr | grep -A100 -m1 -e '^\}' | grep -v '^\}' | sed -e '/^$/d' -e 's/^/ /'
at -c $jobnr | at -c $jobnr | sed -e '1,/^\}/d' -e '/^$/d' -e 's/^/ /'
echo ; echo
echo "=============== Age of present certificates ====================="
ls -l /etc/letsencrypt/live/*/cert.pem | awk '{print $6" "$7" "$8" "$9}' | sed -e 's|/etc/letsencrypt/live/||' -e 's|/cert.pem||'

Installing and using CERBOT

Cerbot tool simply adds more user-friendly features to Lestencrypt original seen above.
See this site for more information:

It can make a certificate request to Letsencryp server and also create ta temporary web server to allow to verify the HTTP connection of a site for which the certificate is requested. These features can be called simply by adding option on the command line.
For example: If I want a web site to be SSL only then generally the HTTP virtual Host would do a redirection to HTTPS automatically for any HTTP request. In this case it blocks the verification of the web site from Letsencrypt server. There are 2 ways that I know to avoid this difficulty.
1) Create a condition on the redirection directive in Apache that does not redirect to HTTPS if the URI is /.well-known/…..
Pro: No downtime of the web server
Con: An extra condition in the redirection directive must be done for each SSL site.
2) Stop the web server. Run cerbot with the –standalone option . Restart the web server.
This solution would only be good for a web server cluster environment if you don’t want to have downtime on your site.
Pro: No need for extra redirection condition for sites. Really good for Nginx servers where re-directions conditions are difficult to create
Con: The site gets a downtime during this procedure which can last long if you have many sites needing creation/renewal of certificates.

chmod a+x ./certbot-auto

Or if you have Ubuntu 16.04 or later, the following commands will also preferable for the installation:
apt-get install certbot python-certbot-apache
Then to get help on ‘certbot’
certbot --help
An example of a ‘certbot‘ command using its own web server for authentication, this way avoiding the difficulties of having to interfere with Apache/NginX for the authentication process.
The following example will request a single certificate which will be valid for these 4 subdomains using the (SAN) mechanism.
certbot certonly --standalone -d -d -d -d
In this above example you need to make sure Apache/NginX is not using the port 80. If it does, shut the web server down before this command and restart it right after it. It will result in a short web access downtime. This downtime might be acceptable depending on whether you have the web server behind a load -balancer or the web service can allow such downtime.
service apache2 stop
certbot certonly --standalone -d -d -d -d
service apache2 start