Sometimes I try to unmount a storage device and it says that it cannot unmount because a process is using it. Now how to find this/these processes and kill them so I can unmount the device?
Here is one way to do it.
Long and careful way, step by step:
# Find out the mount point in question
# Find the process ID that hangs unto a device
fuser -m {mountpoint}
# or use the lsof which gives you more information
lsof | grep /mnt/mystick | awk '{ print $1" "$2" "$3 }'
That will give you the PID of the process(es) that are/is guilty.
Kill these process(es) eiher gracefully or brutally.
# Gracefully
kill {PID}
# or Brutally. Be carefull here you may lose data this way
kill -9 {PID}
Then try to unmount the device now.
umount {mountpoint}
Short and dirty way:
fuser -mk {mountpoint}
umount {mountpoint}