Although in Jira and Confluence the WebSudo, requesting the confirmation of the administrator’s password, are neat security features if you are working in a company where the chances of someone fiddling around with your computer are high. BUT in a very small company, where this risk is almost none, this feature has proven very annoying for me. So I did some research to disable these features in both Jira and Confluence.

Jira Version: 7.x
Confluence: 6.x


In Jira:

– Edit the file /opt/atlassian/jira/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/jpm.xml
– Look for the property: and set all is values to true as follows:

In Confluence

– Edit the file /opt/atlassian/confluence/bin/
– Close to the end where there is a list of multiple components of the variable

– Add the following line after this list but before the line: export CATALINA_OPTS
CATALINA_OPTS="-Dpassword.confirmation.disabled=true ${CATALINA_OPTS}"

Note: After these changes Jira and Confluence need to be restarted as follows:
service jira stop
service confluence stop
service jira start
service confluence start