The following grep command will list all email addresses from a text file and sort them per names without allowing for repetition(-u unique) The following grep command will list all email addresses from a text file and sort them per domain without allowing for repetition(-u unique)
Category: Bash
Bash tips and tricks
Force reboot a remote Linux server
Introduction: After having tried to do a reboot of a remote Linux server via the command reboot which had no effect, I tried to find a command that would force the server to reboot immediately. I found the commands that do exactly that at: Commands: echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger This …
Display MySQL databases types in bash
Based on the site: Here is a bash command that will display the databases types(innoDB or MyISAM) of all the MySQL databases except for the defaults ones(mysql, etc) for i in $(mysql -u root -p -e “show databases;” | egrep -v ‘Database|information_schema|mysql|performance_schema’); do echo “——————–$i——————–“; mysql -u root -p -e “use $i; show table …
Forcing pam users to use only FTPS and block SFTP/SSH
Introduction: I needed to force certain PAM users(configured in /etc/passwd) to use FTPS and block them from using SSH or SFTP. Here is a solution I found in: Solution: Add to /etc/shells a new shell: vim /etc/shells Add one line: /bin/false Save. For each user you want to deny ssh/sftp, change the user’s shell: …
Displaying the list of all ‘at’ jobs and their respective commands
Introduction: The command atq gives me the list of at jobs waiting to be executed and their execution times. Each line starting with the job number. The command at -c JobNumber gives me the content of the job including the environment variables. What I wanted is a command that would give me the list of …
Useful ps options
Here are some (growing) tricks in order to get the maximum of the PS command: I set the command’s options in an alias to simplify the running of it. alias psa=’ps –headers axf -o pid,ppid,pri,state,user:15,group:15,nlwp,%cpu,%mem,rss,vsz,maj_flt,time,start,comm’ # One advantage of this above command is that it displays the username in its full length even if it’s …
Verifying the validity of an NFS mount
Introduction: Every now and then if an NFS mount is no more connected to the server or something goes wrong with the NFS connection, running the command ‘ls mountpoint’ hangs the terminal till I press CTRL-C. So I tried to figure out a script that will be run as cron job and will tell me …
Recursively delete files securely: shredding
Description: Every administrator should know that when we delete a file on the hard disk, almost nothing is really deleted. The space used by the files is simply put back on the list of ‘free to use‘ space in the filesystem and will no more appear in the directory listing. This means forensic tools can …
Using SS tool for network troubleshooting
Introduction: The following article is been copied completely 1 to 1 (full plagiat!!)from the following site inn order to be able to refer to it here in case the article disappears from Internet access or moves location. Linux Magazine. Article from Issue 181/2015 Author(s): Chris Binnie The unassuming ss utility is easy to understand …
Preventing a bash script from running concurrently
Introduction: In order to prevent a bash script instance from running more than once concurrently, here is a small tip on how to write the script. Script template: #!/bin/bash # Prevents that an instance of the script starts while another instance of it is still running scriptname=$(basename $0) lockfile=”/tmp/${scriptname}.lock” if [ -e $lockfile ]; then …
Finding the absolute path of a running script
In bash scripts we often need to know in which directory the running script is found especially when the script is in the $PATH and may be occurring in multiple places: Here is a reliable way to find it out: Based on this site: # Absolute path to this script. /home/user/bin/ SCRIPT=$(readlink -f $0) …
Encrypt a password with different encryption methods
Situation: I happen to have configured a Linux system with MySQL database and wanted to enter a password in the password field in the DB. Here is a way I found. This will output in the terminal the encrypted string you can then enter directly in the password field via phpmyadmin or mysql client. Note: …
Downloading tar.gz files from the Linux command line
Sometimes we need to download a file from Internet using the bash command line. here are some suggestions: Using WGET: wget {URL} eg. wget Using CURL: (Fancy progress info given as the download progresses and will unpack it at the same time) curl -L –progress {URL} | tar xz eg. curl -L –progress …
Extending dynamically Linux RAMs in VMWare VM without rebooting
Situation: Need to raise the amount of RAM in a VMWare VM without rebooting. Solution: – In VMWare interface: Raise the amount of RAM for the VM – In the Linux VM: Run the following script: #!/bin/bash # This script enables in system the unrecognized RAMs deleteline () { echo -ne $dellineup } ### check …
Copying all files including hidden files in Linux command
PROBLEM: If you use the command cp or mv on hidden files you will notice that the hidden files won’t get ‘seen’ and therefore not copied or moved. The problem doesn’t belong to cp or mv but to bash. Bash doesn’t include the hidden files in the globbing expansion. for example: mkdir ~/temp1 ~/temp2 touch …
Monitoring latency time of http requests
Here is a simple but useful command which shows the latency time of http requests. You can adjust the delay between repeats as well as the URL being queried. Reference: host=””; delay=5; while true ; do echo -n “Response time for http://$host:” ;curl -s -w %{time_total}\\n -o /dev/null http://$host ;sleep $delay; done Results: Response …
Resolve the IP from a hostname
As a Linux administrator I often need to resolve hostnames into IPs specially in scripts. Using the command ‘host’ the sytem will resolve the IP only through the resolver libraries omitting to look into the /etc/hosts file. The same is true for the command ‘nslookup’ and ‘dig’. A good trick is to use the command …
Changing keyboard layout in Ubuntu/Debian Linux comand line
Ref: You can find all the different keymaps in the following location: /usr/share/keymaps/i386/ or /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/ To change the keyboard layout (e.g. to German) in the Linux command line, type the following command: loadkeys de For X: setxkbmap de To make these changes system wide, assuming you’re using Ubuntu, you can use the following: sudo …
Unlocking dpkg database
Under Debian Squeeze I ran the command dpkg -i bash_4.1-3+deb6u1_amd64.deb and got the following error message: dpkg: status database area is locked by another process Solution: 1 – make sure you are not already runnning any package administration program in another bash session like with dpkg or apt-get or aptitude 2 – If no other …
Bash bug ‘Shellshock’ Debian Squeeze packages
For those who still have Debian Squeeze and wonder where to find the fixed Bash Debian package for the dangerous bash bug ( can find it here: 64 Bit: 32 Bit: Want to test your Bash to see if it is fixed? Run the command: test=”() { echo Hello; }; echo Buggy” bash …
Converting Windows text files to Linux
Here is a small overview of how (in)compatible computer operating systems are. Normal text files end the lines as follows: Windows: CR+LF Linux: LF OS X: CR In order to convert line ends here are few tricks I extracted from this page(many thanks to the author): dos2unix and unix2dos The utilities dos2unix and unix2dos …
resolving addresses starting with /etc/hosts
Introduction: as most Linux administrators know if you type the command, for example: host You get the resolving of the address ONLY through DNS resolving and NOT using the local /etc/hosts file first. Of course if you use the command: ping You get to see the IP which with be tried to be …
Forcing a keep-alive in ssh sessions
The following configuration will prevent an SSH session to terminate automatically upon long time of inactivity: File: ~/.ssh/config Content: Host * Protocol 2 TCPKeepAlive yes ServerAliveInterval 60 StrictHostKeyChecking = no
Change the bash session timeout
Sometimes we need to have a longer bash session timeout value to be able to stay logged-in while nothing is happening on the terminal. Here is the setting you can include in your .bashrc or .profile files: export TMOUT=0 This will set the shell session to have no timeout duration. export TMOUT=345600 This will set …
Replacing the missing ‘tac’ command in MAC OS X
After looking into Fink Command and Porticus I could not find the GNU command ‘tac’ for writing bash scripts. So I found these replacements which works well from the following link (Thanks guys :-)) Normal use of tac: …..| tac |……. Replacement Nr. 1 …..| awk ‘{print NR,$0}’ | sort -nr | sed ‘s/^[0-9]* …