Author: admin


Benchmarking and brute force testing of RAMs and CPU with STRESS

apt-get install stress $ stress –cpu 4 –vm 2 –vm-bytes 2G –timeout 60s $ stress –cpu 4 –vm 2 –vm-bytes 15G –timeout 1800s Belegt für 60s vier CPUs und 2 GB RAM. Funktioniert auch als normaler User, als root aber aggressiver, würde ich nach kurzem Test sagen. Hoffentlich lassen sich auch 16 GB belegen. Mit …


To install Skype on AMD64 Linux system

AS ROOT: – Download the sykpe static version from: and unpack it in /usr/local/skype cp /usr/local/skype/skype /usr/bin mkdir /usr/share/skype cp -a /usr/local/skype/avatars /usr/local/skype/icons /usr/local/skype/lang /usr/local/skype/sounds /usr/share/skype/ apt-get install ia32-libs AS USER: – Create a launch icon on desktop that runs: linux32 skype


Logging all bash commands with user and timestamp

From: in /etc/profile and in /etc/bash.bashrc ———————————————————————– export HISTTIMEFORMAT=”(%d.%m.%Y) %H:%M ” export PROMPT_COMMAND=”${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND ; }”‘echo “`date +’%d.%m.%y-%H:M:%S:’`” $USER “(“$ORIGINAL_USER”)” \ “COMMAND: ” “$(history 1 | cut -c8-)” >> /var/log/bash_eternal_history’ readonly PROMPT_COMMAND ———————————————————————– and then as root run the commands: touch /var/log/bash_eternal_history chmod 777 /var/log/bash_eternal_history chattr +a /var/log/bash_eternal_history


Preventing changes of variables through ssh session

– Make sure that the setting AcceptEnv is not set in /etc/ssh/sshd_config AcceptEnv Specifies what environment variables sent by the client will be copied into the session’s environ(7). See SendEnv in ssh_config(5) for how to configure the client. Note that environment passing is only supported for protocol 2. Variables are specified by name, which may …


Install WAP-Browser on Firefox

1. Install WML-Browser: 2. Install User Agent Switcher: 3. Install XHTML Mobile Profile: 4. Restart Firefox 5. Download this file to your desktop: (Right mouse button “Save Link As”) or 6. Go to: Tools -> User Agent Switcher -> Options -> Options 7. Click on Import and select the *useragentswitcher.xml* …

Linux on MACBook

German keyboard layout on MACBook

Settings in Regional & Language -> Keyboad Layout ================================================= LAYOUT: setxkbmap -model macbook78 -layout de XKB OPTIONS: setxkbmap -option altwin:swap_lalt_lwin,compose:rwin,ctrl:nocaps,grp_led:caps,apple:badmap,eurosign:e setxkbmap -option apple:badmap Function keys reversal: ================ apt-get install pommed To inverse this behaviour, change fnmode = 1  to  fnmode = 2 by editing /etc/pommed.conf Also to do: apt-get remove mouseemu To enable the Trackpad’s …